by Eileen Wilder | Aug 1, 2021 | Faith |
Have you ever wondered if you could actually accelerate your progress? Causing you to accomplish more, in less time, with less stress? Maybe you have a big project you are undertaking. Or perhaps you are looking to elevate your confidence, and diminish insecurity. Maybe you’re like me and looking for “what to do” practically to keep growing. Recently, I read that over 35 million people wrestle with a type of “low grade” depression. This heaviness, causes untold insecurity, resulting in little to no progress with their dreams. While you may or may not relate to depression, in some way shape, or form, your career goals may be depressed, your motivation may be lagging – or your dating life may in some way…be depressing. ha! It’s interesting, the medical title for low grade depression is “dysthymia”, a Greek word that means “bad state of mind.” But what if there was a way to elevate our state of mind, and find a clear path that boosts our happiness? Surely we would accelerate our progress exponentially! I love how the Bible gives us this key: As a man thinks, so is he. The original Hebrew actually translates like this: As a man is all along in his heart, so he is, at last – in action. The takeaway is this, IF we could improve our mental state, we rapid acceleration of our dreams would result. We will accomplish those goals. We will tackle that new regime. We will have the mind, body and life God intends. But first, it starts in the mind. Years ago, I had this vague, uneasy sense about myself. But here’s the thing,...