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Eileen Wilder


I’m Eileen

I bring the best high-ticket sales shortcuts and tools to navigate the exciting new landscape of virtual events.

Have you ever wondered if you could actually accelerate your progress?

Causing you to accomplish more, in less time, with less stress?

Maybe you have a big project you are undertaking. Or perhaps you are looking to elevate your confidence, and diminish insecurity.  Maybe you’re like me and looking for “what to do” practically to keep growing.

Recently, I read that over 35 million people wrestle with a type of  “low grade” depression. This heaviness, causes untold insecurity, resulting in little to no progress with their dreams.

While you may or may not relate to depression, in some way shape, or form, your career goals may be depressed, your motivation may be lagging – or your dating life may in some way…be depressing. ha!

It’s interesting, the medical title for low grade depression is “dysthymia”, a Greek word that means “bad state of mind.

But what if there was a way to elevate our state of mind, and find a clear path that boosts our happiness?  Surely we would accelerate our progress exponentially!

I love how the Bible gives us this key:

As a man thinks, so is he.

The original Hebrew actually translates like this:

As a man is all along in his heart, so he is, at last – in action.

The takeaway is this, IF we could improve our mental state, we rapid acceleration of our dreams would result.  We will accomplish those goals. We will tackle that new regime. We will have the mind, body and life God intends.

But first, it starts in the mind.

Years ago, I had this vague, uneasy sense about myself. But here’s the thing, it wasn’t once a week, it was all. the. time.

It eventually showed up in depression, eating disorders and anxiety attacks. I thought I was just a little “different” or not as “bouncy” as some of my peers. I didn’t realize the root was deeper.

I didn’t realize I was addicted to negative self-talk.

At every turn, with every failure, or with every step of overeating…. “you don’t have what it takes.” 

I wanted to break out of the prison of my mind, to taste something of wholeness so badly! but had NO IDEA where to start. I didn’t realize I needed to fight fear with a plan.

Not a complicated plan – just some basic steps I’d need to focus on to get my joy back, make progress on my goals.

But how does that look exactly?

After years of study, researching hundreds of articles and books, and now training people on the Brave Body Method, more than ever I’m convinced these are the 4 necessary steps to accelerating your progress.

I started doing them about 12 years ago, and radically saw my progress accelerate. In fact, I still do them everyday! Ready to jump in?



The First Step, is you have to Know You’re Hot – by understanding that you are a MASTERPIECE created by the finest artisan in the Universe. You are not a byproduct of happenstance or even your parents – you were born with precision, for this moment in history.

By apprehending your true worth and value, you’ll conquer insecurity once and for all.

Action Item: Write down three of your best qualities. Extra step: send them to a friend via email and say, “I’m working on clarifying my strengths – what do you see? what would you add to this list?”


Step Two is Inflict Damage – learning to do damage to the darkness by speaking & declaring what you want by faith. Words are just for describing, they are for creating!

When you speak powerful declarations about who you are and whose you are, you are releasing life and momentum into your day, into your dreams and into your soul.

Action Step: Choose just one of the declarations on this list, and speak it out 10-12 times in one day.


In Step Three we talk all about how to finally See the God Painting – grabbing ahold of that bold, exciting picture of the calling on your life.

Learn to block time out specifically for Biblical Meditation, focusing on the Word, and inviting the Holy Spirit to give you a picture of His dream for your life.

Action Step: Take 10 minutes, in a quiet place and imagine your life 5 years from now -what is the calling you are fulfilling? what does it look like? Make it multi-sensory – what are people saying to you? what are you wearing?


In Step Four, you must learn to become a person of quick, decisive action.  The only action defeats fear and releases your full potential within you.  Write the thing, say the speech, start the exercise program – even if it’s only 10 minutes.

Starting now – will start to reprogram your psyche and physiology to do it automatically the next time, with less overwhelm.

Interested in diving in deeper into the 4 Steps?


This free challenge is for those who want to

  •  – take their self-care to the next level
  •  – develop a daily habit of Bible reading
  •  – looking to get rid of old mindsets
  •  – enrich their freedom
  •  – secure their identity in Christ
  •  – develop healthier habits

While obtaining the book will guarantee maximum integration of the material – it’s not required.

Enjoy the free short videos right away and start accelerating your progress toward your goals, dreams and maximum joy!

what if, your Joy could be increased by 20%? or just 10%? what would your family and work life benefit?

What If your story was like Ali, who remarked:

my struggles with weight are finally over – Ali

The Method was the missing ingredient, now I know God is with me.

Both Men and Women have been loving the Method

Get the mind, body & life you deserve- God’s way!

Join me for the 21-Day Challenge

I would love to save anyone, the drama and trauma I went through – so they can dramatically increase their joy, much faster.

I created the 21-Challenge, for those who want to invest in themselves, and compete – against themselves, to be their best – so they can get the mind, body, and life they deserve – God’s Way.


In this show, Eileen and her guests share actionable strategies for greater happiness, success, motivation, creativity, productivity, love, health, contribution and fulfillment — often with a lot of laughs.

This Podcast was created to inspire and equip new & established business owners to earn their worth and have fun while doing it!